cost per lead

cost per lead
марк. стоимость одной [полученной\] наводки* (математический расчет стоимости маркетинговой кампании, поделенной на количество обнаруженных потенциальных клиентов)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "cost per lead" в других словарях:

  • cost per lead — UK US noun [U or C] (ABBREVIATION CPL) ► COMMERCE, E COMMERCE, MARKETING the amount of money that a company pays each time the name and contact details of a possible customer for its products or services is provided to it, for example, when a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Cost per Lead — (CPL) bzw. Kontaktvergütung ist eine Abrechnungsmethode aus dem E Commercebereich (E Marketingbereich). Dabei wird der Werbepartner zumeist auf Basis von gewonnenen Kontaktadressen (Leads) vergütet. Diese Vergütungsart wird häufig in Bereichen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cost per Lead — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising …   Wikipedia

  • Cost Per Engagement — (CPE) is an online advertising pricing structure introduced into the market in 2008. [ [ launches new video ad units maybe youtube should pay attention TechCrunch] , TechCrunch (2008 7 9)] Differing… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost per action — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising …   Wikipedia

  • Cost per impression — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising …   Wikipedia

  • Cost per engagement — The term Cost Per Engagement was originated in late 2006 by Highedge, Inc., the company that developed the Brickfish social media advertising network. Highedge, Inc. owns the Cost Per Engagement trademark. Cost Per Engagement is the online… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost Per Action — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. CPA. Cost Per Action (англ. цена за действие)  модель оплаты интернет рекламы, при которой оплачиваются только определенные действия пользователей на сайте рекламодателя. CPA модель… …   Википедия

  • cost per action — UK US noun [U or C] (ABBREVIATION CPA) ► E COMMERCE, MARKETING the amount of money that is charged to a company, etc. that advertises on a website each time someone buys a product, fills out a form, etc. after clicking on the advertisement on the …   Financial and business terms

  • Cost per conversion — is an advertising and marketing term, describing the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated by dividing the total cost of an advertising campaign by the number of conversions. The definition of conversion varies depending upon the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pay per lead — (PPL) is a method of marketing that enables an advertiser to receive membership or advertising services in return for paying per lead received from the marketing venue used. It can be compared to PPC (pay per click), PPS (pay per sale) and PPA… …   Wikipedia

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